It’s time for a change…

Nothing has changed in 28 years. In 2017 tragedy strikes again when unanchored soccer goals accidentally tipped over and killed three kids. A two year old girl was killed on a soccer field in Antioch, TN – a suburb of Nashville. The family was playing on the field following a scheduled game and a gust of wind blew over an unsecured, 245 lb goal that fell on the girl. Read the full press release here.

Later that same month a 15 year old boy was killed in Napanee, Ontario, Canada. As usual, the cause of the accident is unclear but witness reports indicate that the boy may have been hanging on the unanchored goal when it tipped and landed on his head. Despite efforts from his friends and paramedics, the boy was killed instantly. Read more about the tragedy here.

Although it seems outrageous, a 9-year-old boy was killed in New York City high school when he was playing with a youth church group at the school when a goal collapsed on him and crushed his skull and caused instant death. Full press story here.

Unfortunately, it is not a question of – if there will be another soccer goal accidental death – but where and when.

It is time for a change!

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